Hovedbund der er fyldt med skæl

Dandruff: How to avoid it in the hair and scalp

by Kasper Lindgren on Dec 04, 2021

Read through by Dorthe Kristensen

Hairdresser and former co-owner of the award-winning hairdressing chain Zoom by Zoom
With many years of experience in the hairdressing industry, Dorthe has advised many customers about hair and hair care. Dorthe has read through this blog entry to ensure high quality and professionalism. This blog post is professionally updated on April 9, 2024.

Table of contents

How to avoid getting dandruff in your hair and scalp

Many people suffer from dandruff on the scalp and hair. It is a common problem which is in no way dangerous. But dandruff can be very irritating because it makes your scalp itch. In addition, dandruff consists of small white flakes that ruin your hairstyle and sprinkle on your clothes.

But what is dandruff? And why do you get dandruff? And more importantly, how do you prevent and fight dandruff? Read our guide below and learn more about dandruff in the hair and scalp.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is defined as peeling of dead skin cells from the scalp. When you have dandruff or a dry scalp , it settles as small, white, dry or greasy flakes in your hair. Dandruff on the scalp can also cause itching, which only makes your scalp even more red and irritated. In the worst case, dandruff can turn into dandruff, and it can be difficult to completely get rid of it once you get it. Dandruff is not contagious. That's why you don't have to worry about whether you're walking around and infecting others.

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Why do you get dandruff?

It is difficult to give a clear answer as to why you get dandruff or dandruff on your scalp, as there can be several different reasons. First of all, it is completely natural for every human being to shed skin cells from the body every day. We shed 40,000 skin cells per minute, some of which consist of dead skin cells, which can be dandruff. In your scalp, the yeast "pityrosporum" is present, which in itself is normal. But if this yeast is in overgrowth, it will lead to the formation of dandruff on your scalp.

Who can get dandruff?

Anyone can get dandruff in the hair and scalp, but it affects men more often than women. Dandruff can occur as a result of many different reasons. If you suspect it is a skin disease or a bacterial infection of the scalp. If you experience dandruff, you should contact a doctor for a diagnosis and advice on treatment.

Do you have dandruff or a dry scalp?

It can be difficult to assess whether you have a dry scalp or dandruff. The two types of hair problems must not be confused. Therefore, it is essential that you know the difference when treating your scalp. A dry scalp is usually associated with an itch and loose flakes of skin that fall from the scalp, as the dandruff does not adhere as well to your scalp. If you suffer from dandruff, the flakes will be more yellowish and they will stick more firmly to your scalp.

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Greasy dandruff on the scalp

To avoid greasy hair, it can be an advantage: to choose a neutral conditioner that does not contain oils and other harsh ingredients. Just as you can suffer from a dry scalp, you can also suffer from an oily scalp. An oily scalp can also cause irritation and itching, and this results in the production of oily scales on the scalp. Read more about oily dandruff on the scalp .

Dandruff or lice eggs?

You can easily confuse scales with louse eggs, as they resemble each other due to the white color. But it is important to know the difference, as lice eggs can develop into lice, which are highly contagious. You can check if you have lice eggs or dandruff by pulling a hair between your fingers. Lice eggs are difficult to pull out of the hair, where dandruff is easier to pull out of the hair. Read more about lice in the hair here. 

Get rid of dandruff with treatment

If you want to fight dandruff, there are several things you can do to treat dandruff. When you have to treat dandruff, it is essential to reduce the growth of the yeast "pityrosporum". You can do this, among other things, by caring for your hair thoroughly and using a dandruff brush .

You can treat dandruff with the following four products:

  • Grow and Glow Hair serum contains fruit acid, which gives a light exfoliation of the scalp, and helps to create a balance in the microflora of the skin.
  • Grow and Glow Shampoo contains fruit acid, which is moisturizing and softening. The shampoo helps to remove dead skin cells from the scalp.
  • Grow and Glow Conditioner also contains fruit acid, which creates balance in the scalp, and thus relieves greasy hair and scalp.
  • The Deep Scalp Brush silicone scalp brush is a really good dandruff brush that cleans the scalp of dead skin cells and bacteria.

Anti-dandruff products

In addition, you can also consider using coconut oil against dandruff, as it has a beneficial effect because it contains an acid, Lauric acid, which is both antibacterial and antifungal. In addition, it counteracts Pityrosporum, which leads to dandruff in your scalp.

All you need is a handful of coconut oil, which you can gently massage into the scalp. The coconut oil must sit on the scalp for at least an hour. You can then rinse the coconut oil out with warm water and dandruff shampoo .

Prevention of dandruff - The 5 best tips

It is not completely impossible to prevent dandruff, but for some it can be more difficult than others. If you suffer from normal dandruff, it is easier to prevent dandruff, while it can be very difficult to prevent dandruff if you suffer from dandruff or psoriasis. Here's our best advice.

1. To prevent dandruff, you must care for your hair gently with mild products that do not contain too many chemical ingredients, such as sulfates and silicone. Here we can highly recommend our Grow and Glow Shampoo and conditioner, which are both sulphate and silicone free.

2. Do not use too hot water when washing your hair as it can dry out the scalp and aggravate dandruff.

3. Use a brush with soft bristles or a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair to avoid damaging the scalp.

4. Avoid using too many styling products as they can clog the hair follicles and worsen dandruff.

5. Eat a healthy and varied diet that contains plenty of vitamins and minerals, as it contributes to maintaining normal hair

Dandruff (also called seborrheic eczema)

There are some who are unlucky enough to develop dandruff, which is also called seborrheic eczema. This is one of the most common types of eczema. Dandruff usually starts with dandruff on the scalp, which later develops into severe redness and itching. In the worst case, you can risk getting sebaceous glands in both the scalp, face and back. Among other things, it can lead to dandruff in the eyebrows and ears, as well as dandruff on your scalp.

Dandruff can lead to hair loss

Dandruff can be a chronic condition for some people, and in the worst case, dandruff can lead to hair loss. Unfortunately, dandruff and hair loss are undeniably linked, but it is only in extreme cases that dandruff leads to hair loss.

Get rid of dandruff with treatment

Psoriasis is a widespread disorder, and therefore there is also a psoriatic treatment that you can try to get rid of your psoriatic eczema. However, it is difficult to get rid of dandruff if you are not persistent with your treatment. Among other things, you can use medicated shampoo several times a week to reduce your dandruff, or you can try using coconut oil in your hair with dandruff . You can also eat the right psoriasis diet. A dandruff household tip is therefore to remember to get the right vitamins, which can help to relieve your dandruff.

Frequently asked questions about dandruff

Can you get dandruff from stress?

Yes, stress can cause dandruff. Stress can cause an increase in the hormones that control oil production in the scalp, resulting in an excessively oily scalp. This can lead to the growth of a fungus called Malassezia, which can then cause dandruff symptoms such as white or gray flakes on the scalp, redness and itching. In addition to stress, there are other factors that can contribute to dandruff, such as dry skin, certain hair products, and genetic predisposition. People suffering from diseases such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis are more prone to dandruff due to overactive skin cell shedding. It is important to remember that although stress can play a role in worsening pre-existing conditions such as those mentioned above, it does not necessarily have to be present to cause dandruff.

Can dandruff go away on its own?

Yes, dandruff can go away on its own. Dandruff is typically caused by a combination of factors such as dry skin, the natural oils in your scalp, and fungi that live on the scalp. If it is due to one of these factors alone, it will likely go away on its own once the underlying cause has been treated. If you e.g. have dry skin, make sure you stay hydrated and use moisturizers specially formulated for the scalp. If you have an excessive amount of oil on your scalp or an imbalance in the amount of oil being produced, try using a shampoo specifically formulated to help with this problem. If a fungal infection is the cause of dandruff, using an antifungal shampoo can help fight it. In addition, changing your diet or increasing your intake of certain vitamins can also help control dandruff and reduce symptoms. In any case, even without intervention, dandruff will usually go away on its own with time, as long as the underlying cause does not persist.

Is dandruff contagious?

No, dandruff is not contagious. Dandruff is caused by an overproduction of sebum on the scalp, which can lead to itching and dandruff. It is a common condition that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can be treated with various hair products and good scalp hygiene. If you are concerned about dandruff, you can always speak to your doctor or a professional hairdresser for more information and advice on how to best manage it.

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