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Dry scalp | Everything you should know about dandruff, itchiness and dry scalp

by Lotte Lindgren on Apr 18, 2021

Excellent Based on 4143 reviews
Dorthe Kristensen

Read through by Dorthe Kristensen

Hairdresser and former co-owner of the award-winning hairdressing chain Zoom by Zoom
With many years of experience in the hairdressing industry, Dorthe has advised many customers about hair and hair care. Dorthe has read through this blog entry to ensure high quality and professionalism. This blog post is professionally updated on March 14, 2025.

Table of contents


Guide to dry and irritated scalp: How to get rid of it

Do you also suffer from your scalp feeling dry, scratchy and itchy? Or do you occasionally experience white flakes falling from your hair? Then you may have problems with scalp dryness. Read along here to find out how best to restore balance to your scalp!

If you ask hairdressers, they will tell you that itchy scalp is one of the most common complaints among their clients. So you are not alone if you find that your scalp itches. The question is just what causes it and how you can remedy the problem. And if you're looking for answers, you've come to the right place!

In this blog post, we go over everything you should know about dandruff, dryness and itchiness of the scalp. We help you find the causes of the problem. And you get good advice on how to create a better balance in the future.

    What is dry and itchy scalp?

    The top of your head is made up primarily of skin. It can therefore become irritated and start to itch - exactly like the skin on the rest of the body. Therefore, a dry and itchy scalp can occur in the same way as an itchy body.

    This could be due to the time of year, for example. In winter, our skin is just more exposed. It comes i.a. of the cold. And of temperature changes when we are first outside, and then we move inside in the heat with the radiator on full blast. In addition, diet, allergies and much more can play a role in relation to dryness.

    The bottom line is: itchy scalp is a common problem. But if you often catch yourself scratching your scalp, it's something you should be aware of - and act on. It can often be small things that can make a big difference to your scalp.

    Should I be worried if my scalp itches?

    Basically, there is no reason to worry. As mentioned, you are far from the only one with the problem, and often you can solve it yourself from home. However, there are some things you need to be aware of and where you might benefit from outside help.

    Do you experience, for example, that the scalp itches so violently that you develop sores? Or do you see dry, bald patches on your scalp? Then it is a good idea to have it checked by the doctor. Then you are at least on the safe side. It can be a sign of e.g. psoriasis , scaly eczema or atopic eczema. And it may require medical treatment to get rid of.

    Dry and itchy scalp

    Here are 5 symptoms of dry scalp

    Not sure if you're suffering from dry scalp or if there's something else going on? Here are five of the most common symptoms of dry scalp. Read through the list and see if you recognise yourself.

    1. It scratches and itches on the top of the head

    You catch yourself in the fact that your hands are constantly searching up towards your scalp in the hope that with your scratching, you can reduce the itch that has arisen. You sometimes find it difficult to concentrate because you constantly have to scratch your scalp. And you may even find it difficult to wear a hat or elastics in your hair, because it results in even more itching.

    2. The skin looks red and irritated

    Look in the mirror and check if you have a red scalp. It doesn't have to be all over the place, but maybe just in some places. This can be a good idea to put the treatment in the right places.

    3. Small cracks or sores appear at the roots of the hair

    Feel under your hair. Can you feel small cracks or scabs? It can both happen because you scratch yourself a lot, but can also occur as a result of the dry skin. If you have many or large wounds, you should consider visiting your doctor.

    4. The skin feels tight

    Healthy skin generally feels soft and elastic – also on the top of your head. If, on the other hand, it feels tight and stretched out, it may be a sign that it lacks moisture.

    5. It sprinkles with white flakes or skin scales

    Are your shoulders and sweaters often filled with white flakes? Or does it start snowing with flakes when you scratch the skin under your hair? Then it is also a sign that there is a problem. There are many who also confuse this with dandruff . It can be difficult to tell the difference, but here we give you good advice to find the difference.

    Products for the scalp

    What is the difference between dandruff and dry scalp?

    If you have a very dry flaky scalp, it can be difficult to determine whether you suffer from dandruff or dry scalp. The two things are very similar with dandruff-like white flakes. However, there are three decisive differences between dandruff and dry scalp:

    • Too little vs. too much sebum: Your body produces sebum, an oily substance that keeps your skin healthy. If you produce too little, you will suffer from dry skin. If, on the other hand, you produce too much, you may suffer from dandruff and therefore get dandruff. This can cause the skin to not only peel, but also become red and greasy.
    • Infection vs. environmental impact: Dandruff often occurs due to a fungal infection from the yeast Pityrosporum. It may require medical treatment. But in many cases you can get rid of dandruff with a specific dandruff shampoo. Dry scalp, on the other hand, occurs due to environmental influences or lifestyle.
    • Different types of dandruff: You may also experience dandruff if you suffer from a dry scalp. However, they are different from those you will experience if you suffer from dandruff. Small, dry and white flakes often come from dehydrated skin. If, on the other hand, the scales are large, yellowish and greasy, it is more likely that you suffer from eczema.
    It can be difficult to tell the difference between a dry scalp and dandruff

    What are the causes of a dry and irritated scalp?

    There are many different causes of irritated, dry and itchy scalp. Some of them come from your behavior, others from your environment and still others from your genes. And in some cases there is more than one reason. Therefore, it is important that you look at your whole life when trying to find the root of the problem.

    In addition, unfortunately, it may also require more than one attempt to find a solution. But it can succeed. And when it does, you won't just feel more comfortable, your hair will also look better and healthier.

    Below you can read about the most common reasons for dryness and itching of the scalp:


    As you age, your skin will change. It will become less elastic and produce fewer natural oils, and this can lead to dryness. In addition, hormonal changes such as menopause can also have an impact on your scalp.

    Wrong hair products

    Not all hair products and shampoos are created equal, and if you have sensitive skin, certain ingredients can do more harm than good. In the next section, you can read about specific ingredients you should avoid in your hair products.


    Hair needs vitamins and nutrients to maintain normal hair and the same applies to the skin. It is therefore important that you eat a healthy and varied diet or possibly supplement with a food supplement.


    Some people are just more prone to skin problems than others. And if you are one of them, it is important that you pay extra attention to your scalp and what you offer it in the form of hair products or other influences.


    If you are stressed, you may experience increased inflammation in the body. It can show itself in several different ways, including in the form of an itchy scalp, despite the fact that there is actually nothing wrong with it. If you have a stressful everyday life, it can be worth its weight in gold to take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes for activities such as meditation or yoga.

    Temperature fluctuations

    Especially in winter, the number of Danes with skin problems increases - also in the scalp. This is due to the constant changes between cold outside and warm inside. The skin finds it difficult to adapt to the changing temperatures, and as a result errors occur in the production of sebum, which must keep the scalp in balance. That is why it is really important to supply the body with enough moisture during the cold months.

    Smoking or air pollution

    Regardless of whether the harmful substances come through cigarettes or general air pollution, they can have a harmful effect. Like stress, they can cause inflammation, which can dry out your scalp.


    Perhaps you are allergic to ingredients in your care products, the material in your hats or the like. Many hair care products can contain ingredients that the skin can react to. If nothing else works, consider talking to your doctor about potential allergies.

    How can I treat dry scalp?

    There are many ways in which you can treat dry scalp, it depends a lot on which factors give you dry scalp. We have collected some of our best advice here, so read on and get a lot of good tools for how to treat or prevent dry scalp.

    Avoid these ingredients in your hair products

    Do you suspect that your care products are the culprit behind your skin problems? For those of you who suffer from a dry scalp, your shampoo is a good place to start. There are lots of hair products on the market with harmful ingredients – especially if you have sensitive skin. And this applies, for example, to these ingredients:

    • Parabens

    Methylparaben and ethylparaben are examples of preservatives that may be used in care products. These are parabens, and if you have skin problems, you should avoid them as much as possible – also in your hair products.

    • Sulfates

    Although they are some of the most common soap ingredients, they can have negative consequences for your skin and hair. This applies, for example, to sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate. The soap substances are so strong that they can completely remove the natural oils from your body. And it can cause dandruff and similar scalp problems in the form of dry scalp.

    • Silicone

    As it can be difficult to wash out 100%, the silicone can result in dandruff and dryness on the scalp. And if you have curls, it can also make your strands frizzy and electric. Therefore, avoid ingredients that end in -cone or -oxane, as these are often silicone.

    Would you like to get rid of the scratch and itch? We have created the Grow and Glow series precisely with the aim of giving you healthy and beautiful hair. Therefore, all the products are free of both silicone, sulfates and parabens. And then you can safely use the products in your hair - even if you suffer from a dry scalp!

    Our Grow and Glow contains, among other things, Morinda Citrifolia Callus Culture Lysate, which creates balance in the skin's microflora. Microflora is the general term for: bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Morinda Citrifolia is perfect for hair problems that rhyme with dandruff, oily scalp and hair , and sensitive scalp.

    Use a shampoo without silicone and sulfate if you have a dry scalp

    Hairdresser's advice

    Here, hairdresser and salon owner Maja Haldborg gives you the best tips and tricks for oily hair. Check out her instagram here

    What is your best advice for dry scalp?

    - The best advice is moisturise. Dry scalp is caused by an imbalance in your scalp/skin. Don't use products you know will irritate your scalp. Choose a shampoo without sulphates & silicones. Exfoliate/scrub your scalp so it can breathe. Your scalp may be clogged and accumulated with dead skin cells and product residue. Remember not to wash your scalp & hair too often. The optimum is 1-2 times a week. You can choose a shampoo with some form of coconut, olive or tea tree oil. These oils are mild and good for the skin.

    What does dry scalp look like?

    - Many people can easily confuse dry scalp with dandruff, but most people usually suffer from dry scalp. The way you can tell the difference is that dry scalp is a bit like sprinkling snow. It's very fine, white and very small dry flakes of skin. Dandruff, on the other hand, is more oily and tends to stick to the scalp and the hair shafts themselves. Dandruff can also be more yellowish in colour. Dry scalp is also often characterised by itchiness! This also causes it to drip because you're scratching.

    Is there anything you can do in your everyday life to combat dry scalp?

    - In your everyday life, you can try to avoid using products on your scalp when it's itchy and dry. Skip wax, dry shampoo, powder wax, etc. Remember that many things can play a role in dry scalp. It can be seasonal, hormonal, stress, diet, etc. In addition, it can be good to think about the temperature of the water when washing your hair. It's great to have a nice hot bath... but unfortunately, your scalp doesn't like it (and actually, neither does your hair). Unfortunately, hot water is very drying to the skin, so see if you can lower the temperature a little.

    12 tips to reduce irritated scalp and itching

    Would you like to do something about your dryness and itching problems? But don't know where to start? Then we have collected 10 good tips that you can follow

    A dry scalp needs to be cared for with a lot of moisture and care. It is important that you do not use products that contribute to further drying out your scalp.

    1. Use hair vitamins to maintain normal hair

    It is important that you eat a varied and healthy diet. In this way, you ensure that you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to get all vitamins through your daily diet, so you can consider supplementing with a dietary supplement. That is why we have developed our hair vitamins

    It's , vegetarian hair vitamins that taste like wine gums. They include, among other things:

    • Biotin: If you want to maintain normal hair, then biotin is a good idea. And here you can get off to a good start with two wine gums a day. Then you also don't have to wonder too much about the fact that you have to include certain foods in your diet to get Biotin in your everyday life.
    • Folic acid: Like biotin, folic acid belongs to the group of B vitamins . Folic acid helps to maintain the function of the immune system. In addition, it also plays a role in the cell division process.
    • B12: As the name suggests, B12 is also part of the “team” B vitamins. B12 helps to maintain a normal cell division function in the body.

    In this guide, we talk about five vitamins that help maintain normal function and normal hair.

    2. Choose the right shampoo

    As mentioned earlier, it does not matter which hair products you choose. And you can advantageously choose a mild shampoo against dry scalp . But remember to look through the list of ingredients so that you are sure that the shampoo does not contain potentially harmful substances. If you have a dry itchy scalp, it can often be a good idea to change your shampoo. Here, it is especially important to find a sulfate-free shampoo that is moisturizing.

    And if you are in doubt, we have developed Grow and Glow Shampoo , which meets all the requirements for a good shampoo against dry and itchy scalp! Grow and Glow is, among other things, enriched with fruit extract, amino acids, aloe vera, olive oil and turmeric.

    3. Be sure to also condition your hair

    Conditioner is often the alpha and omega to give your hair moisture back. Think of it as a moisturizer for your strands and roots. Conditioner also helps to close the hair strands, so that the care and moisture from shampoo, hair treatment or other things remain in the hair. It can therefore be decisive in reducing the dryness of the scalp.

    Choose a conditioner for dry scalp, such as Grow and Glow Balm , which does not contain harmful ingredients, sulphate or silicone. In addition, it contains fruit acids, which help to balance the microflora in the scalp.

    4. Stop drying your hair with a regular towel 

    A regular towel can result in electric and frizzy hair. So if you would like to have healthy hair, you should consider ditching the traditional towel. Invest in a microfiber towel instead . It is soft, absorbs water faster and is less harsh on the hair strands. In this way, you are also guaranteed more effective drying and a reduction in the period when your scalp is damp.

    5. Pamper yourself and your hair with a hair treatment

    Just like the skin on your face, the skin under your hairstyle can benefit from a nourishing regimen. So treat yourself to a moisturizing hair treatment at regular intervals. It will boost the hair and you will often notice a difference immediately.

    And here we have our Intensive Repair and Growth hair mask for just that purpose. It provides in-depth care and nourishment for both hair and scalp and is perfect for a spa day at home!

    Use a hair treatment once in a while if you have a dry scalp

    6. Stimulate the scalp with a massage brush

    Your skin benefits from extra blood supply. It provides more nutrients, keeps it elastic and soft - including the scalp! Therefore, consider adding a scalp massage brush to the care routine. It works well against dandruff, removes dirt and impurities from the scalp, can increase hair growth and feels extremely nice to use! You can possibly read our blog post about scalp massage for more inspiration here .

    7. Don't wash your hair too often

    It may sound counterintuitive, but too much and too hot water can dry out the skin. It can remove the natural oils from the scalp and cause dryness. You can use the most gentle shampoos for your scalp, but if you shower too often it can be wasted. Therefore, wash your hair only 2-3 times a week. If you play sports, however, you may often need to wash it a little more often. Instead, put it up or use a shower cap when the rest of the body needs a wash.

    Dry shampoo can also be an idea to minimize greasy hair between washes. However, you must be aware that dry shampoo is not a real shampoo in the sense that it does not remove dirt, excess sebum or residues from hair products.

    8. Be careful about using styling products 

    As with shampoo and conditioner, not all styling products are created equal. And in general, it is a good idea to reduce your consumption of styling products. Consider which ones are necessary in everyday life, and look through the ingredient lists thoroughly. Styling products can be difficult to wash out and can therefore accumulate in the hair and scalp. This can lead to the scalp and not least the hair being dry and itchy.

    9. Turn down the water temperature

    The contrast between heat and cold can have a damaging effect on your scalp. A nice hot bath can be great, especially in the winter months, but it can also dry out your skin and scalp. Therefore, you can advantageously choose to turn the temperature down a little. Although the spa feeling may fade a little, your scalp will be grateful. Therefore, also make sure that you are completely dry before going out into the cold after a bath.

    Hot baths can cause a dry scalp

    10. Choose the right cover for your pillow

    As with towels, plain cotton covers can have negative consequences. Cotton consists of rough fibres, which can create friction when you lie on it. Instead, consider a microfiber, bamboo or silk cover where the fibers are smoother and do not wear out the hair and scalp in the same way - We can recommend our bamboo pillow cover here, which due to its bamboo material has a natural antibacterial and antifungal effect - buy bamboo pillow cover here .

    11. Use the right hairbrush

    Choosing the right hairbrush plays an important role in maintaining a healthy scalp. Some of the best brushes for dry scalp include those with soft, natural bristles or brushes with soft plastic tips. These brushes are less likely to scratch or irritate the scalp.

    To avoid irritation, it's also important to know how to brush your hair properly. Always start by brushing gently from the tips and work your way up towards the roots. Avoid pulling or banging the brush through the hair as this can cause damage and increase the chance of a dry scalp. Regular brushing helps to distribute the natural oils from the scalp to the ends, which can improve the condition of the scalp.

    12: Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells

    Exfoliation is an effective way to remove dead skin cells and improve a dry scalp. You can exfoliate your scalp in different ways. Using specialised products to exfoliate the scalp is a common method. These products contain small exfoliating particles that are gently massaged into the scalp to remove dead skin cells. Choose products that are gentle on the scalp.

    An alternative method is to use a gentle brush or comb to exfoliate the scalp in circular motions. Be careful to avoid irritation. Regardless of the method, exfoliation should be done with caution, no more than once a week or as needed. This will help to improve scalp health and reduce dryness and itchiness.

    Good products for dry scalp


    Caring for a dry scalp requires careful attention and the right tools. Two products that can make a significant difference are a microfibre hair towel and a bamboo pillowcase. These products work together to maintain a healthy scalp.

    The microfibre hair towel is extra gentle on your hair and scalp as it reduces friction and dries hair quickly without causing irritation. This is important as wet hair is more vulnerable.

    The bamboo pillowcase protects your hair and skin at night by preventing sleep wrinkles and avoiding tangled hair. The soft surface of bamboo is gentle on your hair and helps maintain its health.

    Together, these products form an effective toolkit to prevent and treat dry scalp while ensuring your hair stays healthy and well cared for.

    Is there a connection between dry scalp and hair loss?

    Since your hair grows out of your scalp, there can often be a link between an itchy, dry scalp and hair loss. If your scalp is irritated or out of balance, it can result in hair loss in the worst case scenario. As well as it can aggravate existing hair loss problems.

    Would you like to prevent or reduce hair loss? Then you should look at both your hair and the health of your scalp - you can read all about this in this guide . Both parts are essential if you want to have normal hair beauty.

    We hope that you have received answers to your questions. At least now you know more about dry scalp, its causes and treatment options. And then you are already well on your way to a prettier and healthier hairstyle.

    Scalp health and hair growth

    Scalp health plays an important role in the overall condition and growth of hair. When it comes to dry scalp, there is a close correlation between scalp condition and hair health.

    Dry scalp can have significant consequences for hair. Firstly, it can lead to increased hair loss. The dry conditions make hair more fragile, resulting in breakage and loss of hair strands. This can cause hair to look thinner and lose its strength over time.

    In addition, dry scalp can also affect hair growth itself. A healthy scalp is essential for optimal hair growth. Dry scalp can lead to clogged hair follicles, which inhibits the hair's ability to grow healthy and strong. This can lead to slower hair growth and even result in new hair not growing evenly or in sufficient quantity.

    To maintain healthy hair, it's therefore important to care for and moisturise your scalp regularly, especially if you suffer from dry scalp. Using moisturising shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for dry scalp can help restore the scalp's moisture balance and reduce the risk of hair loss and poor hair growth.

    Healthy scalp and hair growth

    Does my hair type affect dry scalp?

    One important factor that plays a role in the development of dry scalp is your hair type. Hair comes in different textures, from curly to straight and everything in between, and it can have a significant impact on the health of your scalp.

    Curly hair
    People with curly hair often tend to have a more parched scalp compared to other hair types. This is because the natural oils produced on the scalp have a harder time reaching the ends of curly hair due to its wavy texture. As a result, curly hair can have an increased risk of dryness and itchiness on the scalp.

    Straight hair
    People with straight hair usually have a more even distribution of the natural oils from the scalp to the ends of the hair. This can help maintain a healthier scalp, but it doesn't necessarily mean that straight hair is immune to dryness. Factors such as frequent hair washing or using drying hair products can still lead to a dry scalp.

    Wavy hair
    Wavy hair is between curly and straight hair in texture. It can tend to absorb natural oils from the scalp, which can help keep the scalp well-hydrated. However, just like with other hair types, wavy hair can also experience dryness, especially if adequate care is not taken.

    It's important to understand your own hair type and its unique needs to prevent and treat dry scalp. Hair care product choices and routines should take your hair type into account to maintain a healthy and moisturised scalp.

    Is dry scalp common in children?

    Yes, dry scalp is common in children. Children can experience dry scalp for various reasons and it can be a temporary condition or a chronic condition.

    Dry scalp in children can be caused by several factors, including weather conditions, hormonal changes, skin conditions or allergic reactions. In most cases, however, it is temporary and can be easily treated.

    To treat dry scalp in children, it is recommended to use mild and gentle shampoos and conditioners. It is also important to avoid excessive use of hair dryers or hot styling tools as these can worsen dryness.

    If the dryness persists or becomes more severe, it may be a good idea to consult a doctor or a skin specialist. They can carry out an examination of the child's scalp and give the right treatment or recommendations.

    Is it necessary to seek medical attention for dry scalp?

    Yes, it may be necessary to seek medical attention for dry scalp, especially if the symptoms are severe or persistent.

    Dry scalp can be caused by several factors, including dry air, cold, excessive hair washing, use of harsh hair products, or certain medical conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. It can result in itching, scaly skin, redness and discomfort.

    If you experience severe itching, inflammation or sores on your scalp, you should consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate a more serious condition that requires medical treatment.

    In addition, if the dryness of your scalp does not improve with changes to your hair care routine and the use of moisturizing products, it is recommended to seek medical attention. A doctor will be able to assess the cause of the dryness and recommend appropriate treatment.

    Myths vs. facts about dry scalp

    There are many myths and misconceptions about dry scalp, and it's important to separate them from scientifically backed facts to properly understand this condition.

    Myth 1: Washing your hair every day prevents dry scalp.

    Fact: Frequent hair washing with harsh shampoos can actually worsen dry scalp by stripping natural oils from the skin. It is recommended to wash your hair less frequently and use mild, moisturising shampoos.

    woman washes her hair

    Myth 2: Dry scalp is caused by poor hygiene.

    Fact: Dry scalp can affect anyone, regardless of hygiene level. It is primarily caused by factors such as climate, hormones and genetics.

    Myth 3: Dry scalp is contagious.

    Fact: Dry scalp is not contagious and cannot be spread by contact. It is a skin condition, not an infection.

    Myth 4: Hairspray and styling products aggravate dry scalp.

    Fact: Some styling products may contain ingredients that can irritate the scalp. It is important to choose products that are suitable for dry scalp and avoid excessive use.

    Myth 5: Dry scalp is untreatable.

    Fact: Dry scalp can be treated with appropriate care and products. It is important to identify the cause of the dryness and take steps to restore the scalp's natural moisture balance.

    Frequently asked questions about dry scalp

    Why do you get dry scalp?

    Dry scalp can be caused by several factors, including dry air, frequent hair washing with harsh shampoos, nutritional deficiencies, and underlying skin conditions such as eczema.

    What to do about dry scalp?

    Dry scalp treatment focuses on restoring moisture to the scalp. This can include using moisturising shampoos and conditioners, washing your hair less frequently and using natural oils.

    What is the difference between dandruff and dry scalp?

    The difference lies in the causes and symptoms. Dry scalp is caused by a lack of moisture, while dandruff is often caused by yeast overgrowth, leading to oily flakes and itching.

    Can dietary changes improve the condition of my scalp?

    Yes, dietary changes can play a role in improving the health of your scalp. A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and hydration supports overall skin and scalp health.

    Can stress cause dry scalp?

    Yes, stress can contribute to skin problems, including dry scalp, by affecting the body's hormonal balance and breaking down the skin's natural moisture barrier.

    Is dry scalp a sign of a more serious condition?

    While dry scalp is often harmless and can be treated at home, in some cases it can be a symptom of an underlying skin condition that requires professional treatment.

    Product recommendations for dry scalp

    Dry scalp often requires treatment, so it can be a good idea to try home treatments before consulting a doctor or using stronger treatments. We have therefore put together some product recommendations for you with dry scalp here.

    Scalp brush

    Scalp problems can occur for many different reasons, but a scalp brush is always a good first step towards a healthier scalp. Our scalp brush is made with silicone spikes that effectively massage the scalp and help remove dead skin cells, product residue and other unwanted debris from the scalp. In addition to providing a delicious scalp massage, it also helps to increase blood flow to the scalp, which is also important for maintaining a normal and healthy scalp. So it's definitely worthy of a recommendation!

    Scalp brush

    A hairbrush with boar bristles

    A boar bristle hairbrush has the unique effect of distributing the hair's natural oils throughout the hair. This allows the hair to be naturally oiled and can help to draw some of the oils from the scalp, allowing it to get back into balance.

    Moisturising shampoo and conditioner without sulphate

    As we've described in blog posts, sulphates and especially SLS/SLES sulphates can be one of the reasons why you experience dry scalp. Therefore, it may be a good idea to look for a shampoo and conditioner without sulphates, here we can highly recommend our Repair and Care shampoo and conditioner which, among other things, provides a lot of moisture and care for hair and scalp, while also helping to retain moisture, for example through its content of Sodium Hyaluronate. Both are free from both sulphate and silicone and are therefore gentle on both hair and scalp.

    Hair serums with good effect on the scalp

    Although our Grow and Glow serum is designed to increase hair growth and reduce hair loss, it also contains ingredients such as fruit acids that help to gently exfoliate the scalp and help restore the scalp's natural microflora. It has already helped many with scalp problems and is especially loved for its menthol crystals that provide a pleasant cooling effect.

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