Hair Blog

Grab your reading glasses and learn everything all about hair! We share our expertise so you can get the best knowledge and the most effective advice to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.


Woman using hair mask for her heat damaged hair

How to fix and prevent heat damaged hair

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Woman using hair oil

How long should you leave oil in your hair? Duration guidelines for different oils

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Woman getting a hairstyle tailored to her face shape

What haircut should you get? 2025 trends tailored to your face shape

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Woman using hair bonnet

Hair bonnets: Benefits of using them and how to use them

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low porosity hair

Cuidado del cabello de baja porosidad: qué productos usar y consejos

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high porosity hair

Guía para cabello de alta porosidad: qué productos usar y consejos de cuidado

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Best hairoil for hair growth

El mejor aceite para el crecimiento del cabello: Aumenta la longitud y el grosor de forma natural

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Traction alopecia

Entender la alopecia traumática: causas, tratamiento y prevención

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clogged hair follicles on the scalp

Cómo tratar los folículos pilosos obstruidos en el cuero cabelludo: causas y remedios

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Woman with thin hair

¿Por qué no me crece el pelo? Causas del retraso en el crecimiento

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Woman uses hair oil to moizsture her scalp

Cómo hidratar el cuero cabelludo sin apelmazar el cabello

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Woman styling her curls

Cómo hacer que los rizos duren más: consejos y técnicas para unos rizos duraderos

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