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Menopausal Hair Loss - Big Guide to Causes and Treatment

by Nanna Bundgaard on Mar 03, 2023

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Dorthe Kristensen

Read through by Dorthe Kristensen

Hairdresser and former co-owner of the award-winning hairdressing chain Zoom by Zoom
With many years of experience in the hairdressing industry, Dorthe has advised many customers about hair and hair care. Dorthe has read through this blog entry to ensure high quality and professionalism. This blog post is professionally updated on September 18, 2024.

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Hair loss can be a distressing experience, especially when it occurs during menopause. The hormonal changes associated with menopause contribute to hair loss in women , making it a problem that affects a significant number of women. It can be difficult to know how to deal with hair loss and the emotional impact it can have on those who suffer from it.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the causes and solutions for hair loss in menopausal women and how to best manage its effects. We will look at the changes that occur during menopause that contribute to hair loss, as well as lifestyle tips to combat it. In addition, we will examine different treatment options to prevent hair loss. By understanding more about hair loss in menopausal women, we can take steps to manage the effects of hair loss on both physical and emotional well-being.

In this blog post, we take you through the following topics:

Why do women experience hair loss during menopause?

When women enter menopause, their body experiences a drop in estrogen levels. This decrease in estrogen can lead to an increase in androgens, which are male hormones typically found in much lower levels in women than in men. The increased androgens can cause hair follicles to shrink, causing them to produce thinner and shorter hair. What actually happens is that the drop in female hormones causes the hair's growth cycle to be considerably shortened. It will therefore trigger the hair to become significantly thinner, as there are not the same hairs to replace the hairs that must be replaced naturally. As a result, women can experience thinning and hair loss due to the lack of strength in the hair shaft. This type of hair loss can be categorized as hormonal hair loss.

Furthermore, these changes can also cause the scalp to become drier and more prone to irritation, which can lead to further hair loss or breakage. Additionally, as women age, their bodies naturally produce less sebum, which is an oily substance that helps keep the scalp and hair healthy. Symptomatically, this fat helps keep the scalp moisturized and prevent damage from occurring, so when production slows, it can leave the scalp feeling dry or itchy , which in turn can contribute to hair loss.

Finally, during menopause, there can be drastic fluctuations in hormone levels which can further disrupt the delicate balance in our body, resulting in additional stress on our scalp and overall health, causing more hair loss for some individuals.

A lot of hair in hair brush

Causes of hair loss during menopause

Hair loss during menopause is a common problem that many women experience. Understanding the underlying causes can help manage and prevent this unwanted symptom. Here are some of the main causes of hair loss during menopause:

Hormonal Changes

One of the main causes of hair loss during menopause is hormonal changes. As women go through menopause, the levels of oestrogen and progesterone decrease. These hormones play an important role in keeping hair in the growth phase. When their levels drop, the hair growth cycle can be shortened and hair follicles can shrink, leading to thinning hair and increased hair loss.

Genetic Factors

Genetics can also play a big role in hair loss during menopause. If there is a history of hair loss in the family, women may be more likely to experience the same. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern baldness, is a genetic form of hair loss that often becomes more pronounced during hormonal changes like menopause.


Menopause can be a stressful time due to the many physical and emotional changes. Stress can contribute to hair loss by triggering conditions such as telogen effluvium, where a greater proportion of hair follicles go into the resting phase simultaneously. This can result in sudden and significant hair loss. Finding ways to reduce stress, such as through meditation, yoga or therapy, can help minimise this impact.

Woman with stress

Nutritional Deficiencies

A healthy diet is essential for maintaining hair health. During menopause, women may experience changes in appetite and nutritional needs, which can lead to deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, vitamin D and biotin. These nutrients are essential for hair growth and deficiencies can lead to weakened hair and increased hair loss. A balanced diet rich in nutrients can help support healthy hair.

Medical Conditions and Treatments

Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders and autoimmune diseases, can also contribute to hair loss during menopause. In addition, medications used to treat these conditions can have side effects that affect hair growth. It is important to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment if you experience significant hair loss.

Poor hair care

Poor hair care habits can exacerbate hair loss during menopause. Excessive use of hot styling tools, chemical treatments and harsh hair products can damage hair and make it more prone to falling out. It's important to use gentle hair products and avoid excessive heat and chemicals to maintain hair health.


Understanding the different causes of hair loss during menopause can help find effective solutions. By addressing hormonal changes, genetic factors, stress, nutritional deficiencies, medical conditions and poor hair care, women can take proactive steps to preserve their hair and improve its health.

Impact of Menopausal Hair Loss on Quality of Life

Menopausal hair loss affects many women. This phase brings emotional and physical changes. Hair loss adds to the stress and it may impact women in the following ways:

  • Emotional Impact: Hair loss can cause distress. Many women feel less confident and they may avoid social situations. This impacts their overall quality of life.
  • Social Implications: Hair loss can lead to social withdrawal. Women might feel embarrassed to meet people. They may avoid gatherings and events. This leads to loneliness.
  • Physical Appearance: Changes in appearance can be hard. Thinning hair can make women feel older. They may struggle to accept these changes.
  • Psychological Effects: Hair loss can cause anxiety. Women might worry about how others see them. This can lead to depression. It’s important to address these feelings.

What are the symptoms of menopausal hair loss?

The classic symptoms of menopausal hair loss can include thinning of the hair all over the head, a receding hairline and a general loss of volume. Menopausal hair loss can appear as patches on the scalp or diffuse thinning throughout the scalp. Women will thus often experience a general thinning of the hair, as opposed to men who will often experience it as high temples . Hair texture can become brittle, coarse and dry. Clumps of hair may come out when brushing or showering, and there may be an increase in the amount of visible scalp due to bald spots occurring. There may also be an increased incidence of dandruff or flakes on the scalp .

Menopause is a hormonal hair loss and thus you may not notice it at all, as it is more evenly distributed and discreet than with other forms of hormonal hair loss.

Signs to watch out for:

  • If you lose more than 150 hairs a day on average.
  • Generally thinner hair
  • Your scalp is more visible, especially at the hairline
  • It breaks more easily than usual
  • The hair brush is filled with hair repeatedly

How common is menopausal hair loss?

Menopausal hair loss is a common phenomenon that affects many women when they go through menopause. Studies have estimated that up to 66% of all women experience some degree of hair loss during menopause. This type of hair loss typically occurs gradually and involves thinning or baldness at the temples or top of the head. In most cases, the hair does not fall out completely and is only visibly thinner than before. In addition to hormone levels falling, changes in diet and stress levels during menopause can also contribute to hair loss.

Woman with hair loss

How can I prevent hair loss during menopause?

Hair loss during menopause can be a difficult experience for women, and it is important to take steps to prevent it. Here are some tips to help protect your hair during menopause:

Eat a healthy diet

Eat a diet with a high content of fruit, vegetables and lean proteins such as fish, poultry, beans and legumes, so that your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals needed for normal and healthy hair growth. A well-balanced diet also helps reduce stress hormones that can cause hair loss.

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Keep stress levels low

Try to reduce stress levels as much as possible using relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. It can also help to stay away from activities that create excessive stress, such as working too much or worrying too much about trivial things. Additionally, a positive attitude toward aging can help you better cope with the changes you may experience as a result of menopause.

Limit alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, which can result in a dry scalp and unhealthy looking hair. In addition, alcohol can interfere with the body's ability to absorb the necessary nutrients needed for healthy hair growth.

Get adequate sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for good health in general, but it's especially important if you're trying to prevent hair loss during menopause because it gives the body time to rest and repair itself, which includes repairing damaged cells in the follicles of your scalp that is responsible for growing new hair. So aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night if possible.

Woman sleeping

Exercise regularly

Exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins, which are known mood boosters! In addition, regular exercise helps to ensure that your circulatory system works optimally and supplies sufficient oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body, including the scalp, which is essential for healthy and beautiful locks!

Use gentle hair products

When washing or styling your hair, choose gentle products specially formulated for sensitive scalps so you don't further irritate the area and cause more harm than good! It will often be a good idea to switch to a sulfate- and silicone-free shampoo or, in general, hair care products without sulfate and silicone. And make sure you don't wash your hair too often (no more than twice a week) as this can strip the protective oils and make your locks dry.

Avoid Heat and Chemicals

Using excessive heat and harsh chemicals can damage hair. Limit the use of hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons. However, if you still have to use heat on your hair, use a heat protection spray before doing so. It will reduce the chances of damage to an extent. Also, avoid chemical treatments like perming and coloring. Use gentle, natural products instead.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is extremely necessary to maintain good hair health. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Hydrated hair is less likely to break and fall out. Also, it helps your body to flush out the toxins and helps you maintain an overall good health.

Consider Supplements

Many women look for the best products for menopausal hair loss to tackle menopausal hair loss problems. Well, adding supplements to your diet can provide additional support. However, consult your doctor before starting any supplements. Options like biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and hair vitamins can help.

Seek Professional Help

If hair loss persists and you are not sure how to stop menopausal hair loss, you may see a doctor. They can identify underlying causes by understanding your individual case, symptoms, other underlying health conditions, and more. Treatment options for menopausal hair loss include medications, hormone therapy, and hair restoration treatments.

Here are some questions you may consider asking your doctor:

  • Could my hair loss be related to other health conditions?
  • Are there any medications I can take to help with hair loss?
  • Is hormone replacement therapy an option for me?

Remember: You are not alone in this. Menopausal hair loss is a common concern, and there are solutions available. By taking a proactive approach, you can manage your hair loss and maintain healthy, beautiful hair throughout menopause and beyond

Treatment of hair loss during menopause

If you discover that you are affected by hair loss or thinning hair during menopause, it is first of all a good idea to see your doctor and find out what exactly is causing it. That way, you can best start with the right treatment. Often, hair loss during menopause is caused by a hormonal change and treatments may therefore be needed that require the help of a doctor.

Natural remedies for hair loss during menopause

Hair loss during menopause can be a challenging experience for many women. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that can help combat this problem. These solutions are not only gentle on the hair and scalp, but they can also be very effective when used correctly.

Essential Oils

Essential oils such as rosemary oil, lavender oil and peppermint oil are known for their ability to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health. Rosemary oil has been shown to be as effective as minoxidil, a common hair loss treatment, in promoting hair growth. Massage a blend of essential oils diluted in a carrier oil (such as coconut or jojoba oil) into the scalp a few times a week to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles.

Nutritional supplements

Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in hair health. Biotin, zinc, iron and vitamin D are particularly important for maintaining normal hair growth. A lack of biotin, for example, can lead to weakened hair and increased hair loss. Taking supplements specifically formulated for hair health can be an effective way to ensure you get the necessary nutrients. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have other health conditions.

Hair Vitamins

Scalp Massage

Regular scalp massage can improve blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles, which can promote hair growth. Use your fingers or a special scalp massager to massage the scalp daily for a few minutes. This can not only help reduce hair loss, but also promote relaxation and reduce stress, which can worsen hair loss.

Capilia Longa

Capilia Longa, a natural extract from the turmeric plant, is an innovative ingredient that has been shown to be effective against hair loss. Capilia Longa works by revitalising hair follicles and prolonging the hair growth phase. Clinical studies have shown that Capilia Longa can increase hair density and thickness with regular use. It is known to reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. Capilia Longa is often found in serums and hair care products. Use these products as directed, typically by massaging them into the scalp daily or several times a week.

Advanced Treatments to Manage Hair Loss During Menopause

Hair loss during menopause is caused by hormonal changes. Managing this condition requires a combination of treatments. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps balance hormones. This can reduce hair loss and other menopausal symptoms. Consult your doctor to see if HRT is right for you.
  • Topical Treatments: Topical treatments, like minoxidil, can stimulate hair growth. Apply it directly to the scalp. It helps slow down hair loss and promote new growth.
  • Laser Therapy: Low-level laser therapy stimulates hair growth. It improves blood circulation in the scalp. This therapy is non-invasive and can be done at home.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP therapy uses your own blood. Platelets are separated and injected into the scalp. This promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss. Several sessions are needed for the best results.
  • Hair Transplants: Hair transplants are a more permanent solution. Hair follicles are taken from one part of the scalp and transplanted to thinning areas. This procedure is effective but can be costly.

Managing hair loss during menopause requires a multifaceted approach. Consult a dermatologist for tailored advice. With the right treatments, you can effectively manage menopausal hair loss.

Emotional Support and Coping Strategies During Menopausal Hair Loss

Menopausal hair loss can be distressing. It affects self-esteem and confidence. Emotional support and coping strategies can help women deal with it better.

  • Seek Support from Loved Ones: Talk to family and friends. Sharing feelings can provide relief. Support from loved ones boosts morale.
  • Join Support Groups: Find support groups for menopausal women. Sharing experiences with others helps. It makes you feel less alone.
  • Professional Counseling: Consider professional counseling. Therapists offer coping strategies. They help manage stress and anxiety.
  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude. Focus on things you can control. Positive thinking reduces stress.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about menopausal hair loss. Knowing how to stop menopausal hair loss empowers you. It helps you make informed decisions.
  • Practice Self-Care: Engage in self-care activities. Exercise regularly to reduce stress. Practice meditation and yoga for relaxation.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Adopt healthy habits. Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Consider Hairstyles and Accessories: Experiment with new hairstyles. Use scarves and hats to cover thinning hair. This can boost confidence.
  • Consult a Dermatologist: See a dermatologist for advice. They can recommend the best products for menopausal hair loss. They may suggest treatments that help.

Menopausal hair loss impacts emotional well-being. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Stay positive and proactive.

Myths about Menopausal Hair Loss: Debunking Common Misconceptions

Menopausal hair loss is a topic that is often surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. These myths can cause unnecessary worry and confusion, making it harder to find the right solutions. By exposing the truth behind these myths, women can better understand and manage hair loss during menopause.

Myth 1: Hair loss during menopause is inevitable

Truth: Although hormonal changes during menopause can lead to hair loss, it is not inevitable for all women. Genetics, lifestyle and health also play a big role. By taking the right steps, such as maintaining a healthy diet, reducing stress and using appropriate hair care products, many women can reduce or prevent hair loss.

Myth 2: Only men experience genetic hair loss

Reality: Genetic hair loss is not just a male problem. Women can also inherit genes that make them more likely to experience hair loss, especially during hormonal changes like menopause. If there is a history of hair loss in the family, women may also be at risk.

Myth 3: Hair loss is always due to hormonal imbalance

Reality: Although hormonal changes are a major factor in hair loss during menopause, it's not the only cause. Factors such as poor nutrition, stress, illness and certain medications can also contribute to hair loss. It's important to identify and address all possible causes to find the most effective treatment.

Myth 4: Nothing can stop hair loss during menopause

Reality: There are several effective treatments to manage hair loss during menopause. Besides medical treatments such as minoxidil and hormone treatments, lifestyle changes such as improved nutrition, regular exercise and stress reduction can also have a positive effect. Natural remedies, such as essential oils and supplements, can also help promote hair growth.

Myth 5: Hair loss can be solved by washing your hair less

Reality: Washing your hair does not directly affect hair loss. In fact, regular and proper hair washing can help keep the scalp healthy and free of excess oil and dandruff, which can aggravate hair loss. The key is to use mild, sulphate-free shampoos and conditioners that are gentle on the scalp and hair.

Myth 6: Hair loss can only be treated with expensive products

Truth: Effective hair loss treatment doesn't have to be expensive. Many affordable products and home remedies can be just as effective as expensive treatments. For example, rosemary oil and lavender oil, which are available at reasonable prices, can stimulate hair growth with regular use.

FAQ about hair loss during menopause

What are the most common causes of hair loss during menopause?
The most common causes of hair loss during menopause are hormonal changes, genetic factors, stress, nutritional deficiencies, and certain medical conditions. When estrogen and progesterone levels drop, it can affect the hair growth cycle and lead to thinning hair and hair loss.

Can menopausal hair loss be prevented?
Yes, menopausal hair loss can often be prevented or minimised by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, regular exercise, and stress management. It's also important to use gentle hair care products and avoid excessive use of hot styling tools.

Are there effective treatments for menopausal hair loss?
Yes, there are several effective treatments for menopausal hair loss. These include medical treatments such as minoxidil and hormone therapy, as well as natural methods such as the use of essential oils, supplements, and scalp massage. Capilia Longa, a natural extract from the turmeric plant, has also become popular for its hair growth promoting properties.

How can I use supplements to combat hair loss?
Supplements containing biotin and zinc can help maintain normal hair. These nutrients play an important role in maintaining normal hair growth. It is important to take supplements regularly and in the recommended doses.

Is stress a factor in hair loss during menopause?
Yes, stress can be a significant factor in hair loss during menopause. Stress can trigger a condition called telogen effluvium, where a large amount of hair suddenly goes into the resting phase and falls out. Finding ways to reduce stress, such as through meditation, yoga or talk therapy, can help minimise hair loss.

Can changes to my hair care routine help reduce hair loss?
Yes, changes to your hair care routine can make a big difference. Use mild, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners and avoid excessive use of hot styling tools. Massage your scalp regularly to improve blood circulation and choose hairstyles that don't pull the hair too much. Regular care and gentle treatment can help reduce hair loss.

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